How a European judge should qualify a civil claim resulting from conduct allegedly amounting to unfair competition?
Auteur : VIBERT Olivier
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Source : www.eurojuris.frDespite all endeavors of unification, in Europe, it is still important to know precisely which jurisdiction has the rationae loci competence to hear a civil claim.The same issue was raised to the Court Of Justice of European Union accordingly to the dispute between a German luxury watch seller and a master watchmaker established in France on Mar... Lire la suite
Difficultés des entreprises: le règlement amiable
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How a European judge should qualify a civil claim resulting from conduct allegedly amounting to unfair competition?
Publié le : 03/07/2014 03 juillet juil. 07 2014Entreprises / Contentieux / Justice commercialeDespite all endeavors of unification, in Europe, it is still important to kno...Source :
Affaire Tapie: la décision d’arbitrage était-elle acceptable ?
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Confier à votre avocat le règlement d'un litige par voie amiable
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